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Test-time adaptation is the problem of adapting a source pre-trained model using test inputs from a target domain without access to source domain data. Most of the existing approaches address the setting in which the target domain is stationary. Moreover, these approaches are prone to making erroneous predictions with unreliable uncertainty estimates when distribution shifts occur. Hence, test-time adaptation in the face of non-stationary target domain shift becomes a problem of significant interest. To address these issues, we propose a principled approach, PETAL (Probabilistic lifElong Test-time Adaptation with seLf-training prior), which looks into this problem from a probabilistic perspective using a partly data-dependent prior. A student-teacher framework, where the teacher model is an exponential moving average of the student model naturally emerges from this probabilistic perspective. In addition, the knowledge from the posterior distribution obtained for the source task acts as a regularizer. To handle catastrophic forgetting in the long term, we also propose a data-driven model parameter resetting mechanism based on the Fisher information matrix (FIM). Moreover, improvements in experimental results suggest that FIM based data-driven parameter restoration contributes to reducing the error accumulation and maintaining the knowledge of recent domain by restoring only the irrelevant parameters. In terms of predictive error rate as well as uncertainty based metrics such as Brier score and negative log-likelihood, our method achieves better results than the current state-of-the-art for online lifelong test time adaptation across various benchmarks, such as CIFAR-10C, CIFAR-100C, ImageNetC, and ImageNet3DCC datasets.
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We propose an approach for semantic imitation, which uses demonstrations from a source domain, e.g. human videos, to accelerate reinforcement learning (RL) in a different target domain, e.g. a robotic manipulator in a simulated kitchen. Instead of imitating low-level actions like joint velocities, our approach imitates the sequence of demonstrated semantic skills like "opening the microwave" or "turning on the stove". This allows us to transfer demonstrations across environments (e.g. real-world to simulated kitchen) and agent embodiments (e.g. bimanual human demonstration to robotic arm). We evaluate on three challenging cross-domain learning problems and match the performance of demonstration-accelerated RL approaches that require in-domain demonstrations. In a simulated kitchen environment, our approach learns long-horizon robot manipulation tasks, using less than 3 minutes of human video demonstrations from a real-world kitchen. This enables scaling robot learning via the reuse of demonstrations, e.g. collected as human videos, for learning in any number of target domains.
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We report on novel investigations into training models that make sentences concise. We define the task and show that it is different from related tasks such as summarization and simplification. For evaluation, we release two test sets, consisting of 2000 sentences each, that were annotated by two and five human annotators, respectively. We demonstrate that conciseness is a difficult task for which zero-shot setups with large neural language models often do not perform well. Given the limitations of these approaches, we propose a synthetic data generation method based on round-trip translations. Using this data to either train Transformers from scratch or fine-tune T5 models yields our strongest baselines that can be further improved by fine-tuning on an artificial conciseness dataset that we derived from multi-annotator machine translation test sets.
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尽管现在使用自我监督方法构建的计算机视觉模型现在很普遍,但仍然存在一些重要问题。自我监督的模型是否学习高度冗余的频道功能?如果一个自我监督的网络可以动态选择重要的渠道并摆脱不必要的渠道怎么办?目前,与计算机视觉中的有监督的对手相比,通过自我训练预先训练的Convnet在下游任务上获得了可比的性能。但是,有一些自我监督模型的缺点,包括大量参数,计算昂贵的培训策略以及对下游任务更快推断的明确需求。在这项工作中,我们的目标是通过研究如何将用于监督学习的标准渠道选择方法应用于经过自学训练的网络。我们验证我们在一系列目标预算上验证我们的发现$ t_ {d} $,用于跨不同数据集的图像分类任务的频道计算,特别是CIFAR-10,CIFAR-100和IMAGENET-100,获得了与原始网络的可比性性能when selecting all channels but at a significant reduction in computation reported in terms of FLOPs.
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如果我们想在将它们部署在现实中之前在模拟中训练机器人,那么假定减少SIM2REAL差距的人似乎很自然,并且几乎是不言而喻的,涉及创建富裕性的模拟器(因为现实就是事实)。我们挑战了这一假设并提出了相反的假设-SIM2REAL转移机器人可以通过较低(不是更高)的保真度模拟来改善。我们使用3种不同的机器人(A1,Aliengo,Spot)对这一假设进行了系统的大规模评估 - 在现实世界中以及2个不同的模拟器(栖息地和Igibson)。我们的结果表明,与期望相反,增加忠诚无助于学习。由于模拟速度缓慢(防止大规模学习)和对模拟物理学不准确的过度拟合,因此性能较差。取而代之的是,使用现实世界数据构建机器人运动的简单模型可以改善学习和概括。
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通过利用和适应到目前为止获得的知识,人类具有识别和区分他们不熟悉的实例的天生能力。重要的是,他们实现了这一目标,而不会在早期学习中恶化表现。受此启发,我们识别并制定了NCDWF的新的,务实的问题设置:新颖的类发现而无需忘记,哪个任务是机器学习模型从未标记的数据中逐步发现实例的新颖类别,同时在先前看到的类别上保持其性能。我们提出1)一种生成伪内表示的方法,该表示的代理(不再可用)标记的数据,从而减轻遗忘的遗忘,2)基于相互信息的正常化程序,可以增强对新型类别的无聊发现,而3)a 3)当测试数据包含所见类别和看不见的类别的实例时,简单的已知类标识符可以有助于广义推断。我们介绍了基于CIFAR-10,CIFAR-100和IMAGENET-1000的实验协议,以衡量知识保留和新型类发现之间的权衡。我们广泛的评估表明,现有的模型在确定新类别的同时灾难性地忘记了先前看到的类别,而我们的方法能够有效地在竞争目标之间平衡。我们希望我们的工作能够吸引对这个新确定的实用问题设定的进一步研究。
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从单个图像中删除阴影通常仍然是一个开放的问题。大多数现有的基于学习的方法都使用监督的学习,并需要大量的配对图像(阴影和相应的非阴影图像)进行培训。最近的无监督方法,面具 - 饰面方法解决了这一限制。但是,它需要二进制掩码来表示阴影区域,从而使其不适合柔软的阴影。为了解决这个问题,在本文中,我们提出了一个无监督的域分类器引导删除网络DC-Shadownet。具体而言,我们建议将无阴影/无阴影域分类器集成到发电机及其歧视器中,从而使它们能够专注于阴影区域。为了训练我们的网络,我们引入了基于基于物理的无阴影色彩,阴影的感知特征和边界平滑度的新颖损失。此外,我们表明我们的无监督网络可用于测试时间培训,以进一步改善结果。我们的实验表明,所有这些新型组件允许我们的方法处理柔和的阴影,并且比现有的最新阴影去除方法在定量和定性上都能在硬阴影上表现更好。
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每个房屋都是不同的,每个人都喜欢以特殊方式完成的事情。因此,未来的家庭机器人需要既需要理由就日常任务的顺序性质,又要推广到用户的偏好。为此,我们提出了一个变压器任务计划者(TTP),该计划通过利用基于对象属性的表示来从演示中学习高级动作。TTP可以在多个偏好上进行预训练,并显示了使用单个演示作为模拟洗碗机加载任务中的提示的概括性的概括。此外,我们使用TTP与Franka Panda机器人臂一起展示了现实世界中的重排,并使用单一的人类示范引起了这种情况。
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